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The South Beach Diet For Those Who Want to be Forever Fit

Of the millions of diet plans available on the open market today, each one promises that you will lose a particular amount of weight within a certain time period. However, very few of them tell you what to do after that. All too often the final result is that you gain all the weight back after the plan has ended.

Inevitably, you have to start over from scratch with a new diet plan that generally ends the same way. It is a horrible circle to have to go through and extremely harmful to your self-esteem, not to mention your physical well-being. The South Beach diet plan, however, is a completely different concept. The Plan Originally designed by Doctor Arthur Agatston, the renowned cardiologist, the South Beach diet program guarantees that if you will stick to the agenda, you will lose the weight and keep it off permanently.

The plan consists of three highly effective phases, each one particularly designed to rid your self of excess weight with no health risks. Unlike other plans, the South Beach diet program does not promise to get rid of a particular number of pounds and then simply stops. Dr. Agatston realized that weight loss was a permanent need, not just a few pounds and then nothing more. Weight will not simply mysteriously stay off after you initially lose it.

It is a lifelong process. Through this plan, however, that process does not have to be difficult and does not require that you deny yourself a full life. Phase One In Phase one, the South Beach diet plan gets the hardest part over with in the beginning, though this particular phase isn't even all that difficult. This phase allows you to eat average portions of foods. After all, no one likes a starvation diet. The only drawback to this is that this phase does not allow carbohydrates.

Initially, you need to stick to more lean foods, particularly in the aspects of your meats. Fish, chicken and turkey are allowed, so you really aren't losing that much during this phase. As vegetables go, those with a low level of Glycemia are allowed. You can even eat eggs, unlike most other diet plans. During this phase, the average weight loss is around 12 pounds. Phase Two This phase is one of the best aspects of the South Beach diet plan.

During this time period some of the foods that you couldn't have in phase one are slowly allowed. This phase is not kept within a particular time period, but lasts until you have finally gotten to the perfect weight for your personal preference. The average weight loss in this phase is most often a pound or two per week, sometimes a little more or less, depending upon how much exercise you are getting. Phase Three This is the point at which most diet plans end. Once the initial weight is gone, the other plans leave you to your own accord, often resulting in you gaining all your weight back fairly quickly.

The South Beach diet plan, however, lasts for your entire lifetime, allowing you to maintain your ideal weight. It emphasizes a particular diet plan wherein you get to eat just about anything within reason. If, however, you do start to gain weight, you can always nip it in the bud by going back to phase one. In a society where appearances count for so much, one has to put a lot of faith in ones fitness and diet plan. If you really want one that will work, on a permanent basis, check out the South Beach Diet Plan.


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